Monday 22 February 2010

Zarah Hussain!

Zarah Hussain Is A Famous Islamic Artist.In her work she uses quadrillaterals, symmetry and lots of pattern. She uses a range of colours to attrackt people to her work. She is intrested in Islamic art because she loves pattern! I like Zarah Hussains work because it is full of colour and pattern!

Islamic Art!

Islamic art is usually found in mosques and christians houses. The colours people use are green, gold, reds,oranges and lots of rich colours. The colours will be found on prayer mats, islamic pictures, on mosques walls and many more places.

Monday 8 February 2010

Echer Tessellation!!!!!

Last week we learnt about Tessellations.
This can be described as patterns.
We searched on the internet to find an artist who used this in their work.
I looked at an artist called Escher.
In my opinion his work was good.
We then made the 'Verity's Kite'. We made this using origami.
This required careful instructions so that the angles were correct.
Adding all the angles of the kite together=360 degrees.
If made correctly the kites fit together without any gaps to make a Tessellation

Prime Numbers!

A prime number in maths is a natural number that has exactly 2 natural number divisors One & itself! The first 25 numbers are:

Saturday 6 February 2010

Bezzies x

I luv all ma bezzies they are all random but i still luv em! x

All Ma Matesss!!!

I luv all ma mates they are all so mental but i still luv em we always have a laf and luv to hav sleepovas and go SHOPPING!!!!I always sleep at at Jordieess we always hav a gr8 time and never go to bed early!!HEHE!! We luv to rave and hav a gud time and we always eat sweetiesss and crap!!! haha !!! x When we hav big sleepova wi loads ov peeps it is so fun we hav blind folded make-overs and we always have music playin really loud! Yeahh m8! It is soooo funny wen some one falls asleep coz we put lipstick on their face and creamm haha x Our sleepovas are sooo cool! i love all ma m8s they are alll proper awsummee x Luv Ya All People x