Saturday 6 February 2010

All Ma Matesss!!!

I luv all ma mates they are all so mental but i still luv em we always have a laf and luv to hav sleepovas and go SHOPPING!!!!I always sleep at at Jordieess we always hav a gr8 time and never go to bed early!!HEHE!! We luv to rave and hav a gud time and we always eat sweetiesss and crap!!! haha !!! x When we hav big sleepova wi loads ov peeps it is so fun we hav blind folded make-overs and we always have music playin really loud! Yeahh m8! It is soooo funny wen some one falls asleep coz we put lipstick on their face and creamm haha x Our sleepovas are sooo cool! i love all ma m8s they are alll proper awsummee x Luv Ya All People x

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